Video Library

We invite you to view these videos on grandparents and grandparenting today.

Filling the Empty Chair: Honoring and Remembering Grandparents and Loved Ones Who Have Died 

Rabbi Melanie Levav, Executive Director of Shomer Collective, guides us in how grandchildren can express feelings about loved ones who have died, telling stories of the deceased, and what it means to make their memory for a blessing. See Rabbi Melanie’s slides. Organizations and Grandparent Groups: Download the Webinar Discussion Guide. Originally presented on January 15, 2025.

Navigating Hanukkah in Multifaith Families: A Grandparenting Conversation

Rabbi Rebecca Joseph, 18Doors, and JGN present a lively holiday conversation that affirms grandparents’ importance as Jewish role models and guides and helps them connect with warm, loving feelings even in uncomfortable or conflicted family situations. Organizations and Grandparent Groups: Download the Webinar Discussion Guide. Originally presented on December 10, 2024.

Grandparents, Tell Your Story to the Next Generation: How to Pass on Your Legacy

Justin Mertes, co-founder of legacy-storytelling startup Parable, shares the art of preserving grandparents’ legacy across generations and how to pass on the intangible parts of their lives — wisdom, knowledge, values — and missteps. Organizations and Grandparent Groups: Download the Webinar Discussion Guide. See Justin Mertes’ slides. Originally presented on November 12, 2024.

Let There Be Play: Bringing the Torah to Life with Grandchildren

Jonathan Shmidt Chapman, ward-winning Jewish educator, artist, and author, uses play, creativity, and hands-on exploration to connect with grandchildren through Torah stories — in person and at a distance. See Jonathan’s Playful Grandparenting slides. 
Organizations and Grandparent Groups: Download the Webinar Discussion Guide. Originally presented on October 15, 2024.

One Year Since October 7: How to Talk with Your Teen Grandchildren

On the first anniversary of October 7, Dr. Samantha Vinokor-Meinrath, Senior Director of Knowledge, Ideas and Learning at The Jewish Education Project, New York, explores questions of Israel, antisemitism, Zionism, differing opinions, and generational shifts. Download the Webinar Discussion Guide. Originally presented on September 25, 2024.

How Play with Grandchildren Can Bring Out the Sweetness of the High Holidays

Sari Kopitnikoff, experiential educator and Jewish game designer, shares creative, playful activities to make the High Holidays come alive and to connect with all-age grandchildren — in person and at a distance. Organizations and Grandparent Groups: Download the Webinar Discussion Guide. Originally presented on September 17, 2024.

The Power of Grandparent-Grandchild Interactions: Learning from and Teaching Each Other

Master educators Allison Cook and Dr. Orit Kent show us how grandparents and grandchildren can learn from one another using the “havruta” model to create meaningful, and playful, conversations about grandchildren’s interests — from dinosaurs to princesses; from computer science to hip hop. See Allison Cook and Dr. Orit Kent’s slides and text study. Originally presented on June 5, 2024.

How Grandparents Can Play with Infants and Young Grandchildren

Dr. Betsy Diamant-Cohen models the way babies learn, then shares sample activities that help boost early brain development — and build connection with grandchildren — through singing, sharing books, and doing fingerplays. See Dr. Betsy’s slides. Originally presented on May 15, 2024.

Welcome to the Seder: Grandparents’ Role in Embracing ALL Family Members at Passover

Rabbi Jessica Lowenthal shares practical ideas for grandparents to host a seder that embraces family members and other guests of different faiths and cultures, resulting in a joyful, engaging experience for all participants. See Rabbi Jessica’s slides. And download our guide: Hosting an Inclusive Seder. Originally presented on April 16, 2024.

Israel at War: A Pivotal Moment for the Middle East

Avi Melamed, acclaimed Middle East geopolitical analyst, provides a nuanced contextualization of this moment in the histories of Israel, Palestinians, and the Middle East and equips us with a deeper understanding of what is happening today, and what lies ahead. Originally presented on April 11, 2024.

How to Communicate in Writing with Grandchildren

Aviva Black, founder of Family Love Letters, shares ways to capture our feelings for our grandchildren on paper, preserve memories for future generations, and connect with grandchildren through easy-access writing. See Aviva’s slides. Originally presented on March 5, 2024.

Finding Ways to Reconnect with Estranged Children and Grandchildren

Dr. Sue Cornbluth, President and Owner of Dr. Sue & You, shares her breakthrough communication techniques for beginning the process of reconnecting with estranged children and grandchildren. Originally presented on February 6, 2024.

How to Bring Shabbat to Life with Grandchildren

Jonathan Shmidt Chapman, master Jewish educator and theater artist, uses creativity, drama, and play to activate the weekly celebration of Shabbat with children ages 3–8. See Jonathan’s slides. Originally presented on January 16, 2024.

Hanukkah Celebration with Grandparents and Grandchildren in the US and Israel, featuring Israeli artist Hanoch Piven

Grandparents and grandchildren in Israel and North American join together for a joyful Hanukkah gathering. Featuring US singer/songwriter Naomi Less and acclaimed Israeli artist Hanoch Piven. Originally presented on December 10, 2023.

At a Distance: Practical and Meaningful Ways to Build Relationships with Your Grandchildren Who Live Far Away

Dr. Kerry Byrne, founder of The Long Distance Grandparent, demonstrates how to create and nurture strong bonds when we live at a distance from our grandchildren. See Dr. Kerry Byrne’s slides. Originally presented on December 5, 2023.

Facing Crisis in Israel: Talking with Our Grandchildren about Difficult Times

Dr. Sharona Maital — senior licensed school psychologist in Israel and crisis intervention specialist — shares practical tips for talking with our grandchildren about the war in Israel and resources that promote resilience. See Dr. Sharona Maital’s slides. Originally presented on October 18, 2023.

How Emotions Affect Your Grandchild’s Behavior

Patty Wipfler, founder of Hand in Hand Parenting, shares what we know about young children’s behavior, how to decode it, and how to respond in ways that help them surmount the emotional hurdles in their lives. See Patty Wipfler’s slides. Originally presented on October 17, 2023.

How to Talk with Grandchildren About Death and Dying

How to have developmentally appropriate conversations with children of all ages about preparing for a loved one’s long-term illness or the dying and death of any living being we care about. See Rabbi Melanie Levav’s slides. Originally presented on September 12, 2023.

The Joys and Oys of Multifaith Families: How Grandparents Can Find the Blessings and Navigate the Challenges

Ruth Nemzoff presents a nuanced view of the ways multiple faiths can enrich family life with new traditions and rich experiences — as well as the challenges and stress. Originally presented on June 6, 2023.

The Torah of Being a Grandparent: How We Live Our Values

The Torah and its teachings have guided our people for over 3,000 years. Jane Shapiro explores the mitzvot and values that guide our own relationships with our grandchildren and family. Originally presented on May 9, 2023.

How Grandparents Can Navigate Family Relationships with the Help of Jewish Tools

Alicia Jo Rabins explores what Jewish stories, traditions, and concepts mean for our own personal grandparenting journeys. Originally presented on April 18, 2023.

Bring Passover to Life for Grandchildren

Jonathan Shmidt Chapman uses creativity, theater, and play to activate Passover with children ages 3–8. Download the Passover Discovery Kit. Originally presented on March 28, 2023.

Bring Purim to Life for Grandchildren

Jonathan Shmidt Chapman uses creativity, theater, and play to activate Purim with children ages 3–8. Download the Purim Discovery Kit. Originally presented on February 21, 2023.

Our Adult Children’s Voices Matter: What Parents Want Grandparents to Know

Adrian Kalikow, Parent Coach, shares insights to guide grandparents in their relationships with their adult children.  See Adrian’s 7 key themes. Originally presented on January 31, 2023.

How to Talk with Your Preteen and Teen Grandchildren about Antisemitism

Mark Oppenheimer guides grandparents in the difficult — and timely — topic of how to talk to our preteen and teen grandchildren about antisemitism. Originally presented on January 10, 2023.

Bring Hanukkah to Life For Grandchildren

Jonathan Shmidt Chapman uses creativity, theater, and play to activate Hanukkah with children ages 3–8. Download the Hanukkah Discovery Kit. Originally presented on December 1, 2022.

How Feeling Thankful Builds Stronger Family Connections

Rebecca Minkus-Lieberman and Dr. Jane Shapiro explores how the cultivation of inner gratitude can enrich our family relationships. See the gratitude slides. Originally presented on November 22, 2022.

How to Talk with Your Grandchildren About … Almost Anything

Dr. Kevin Kalikow presents a practical and intimate look at how — and whether — to have difficult conversations with grandchildren. See Dr. Kalikow’s slides. Originally presented on October 25, 2022.

Bring the High Holidays to Life for Grandchildren

Jonathan Shmidt Chapman uses creativity, theater, and play to activate Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur with children ages 3–8. Originally presented on September 13, 2022.

Grandparent Story Contest: Winning Submission Performed Live

The Braid Story Company performs the 5-minute winning grandparent story in JGN’s story contest. Includes tips for telling your own great stories. Originally presented on May 24, 2022.

Why Our Grandchildren Need Great Role Models

Nadine Epstein, author of RBG’s Brave and Brilliant Women, and editor-in-chief and CEO of Moment Magazine, discusses the importance of role models for our grandchildren. Originally presented on April 26, 2022.

Grandparents, Bring Your Family Seder to Life

Theater arts educator Jonathan Shmidt Chapman presents a range of easy-to-follow activities that use theater and play to activate the Seder for children of all ages. Originally presented on March 29, 2022.

War in Ukraine: What We Should Know and How We Should Talk to Our Grandchildren About It

Dr. William Recant, Assistant Executive Vice President, Joint Distribution Committee, shares the rich and complex history of Jewish life in Ukraine. Dr. Lisa Miller, bestselling author, and professor in the Clinical Psychology Program at Teachers College, Columbia University guides us on how to talk with our grandchildren about the conflict. Originally presented on March 6, 2022.

What Grandparents Need to Know about Teens and Mental Health

Teen experts Dr. Betsy Stone and Erica Hruby present a sensitive and frank look at teens and mental health. They explore the impact on teens’ mental health of living with Covid for two years, the pressures of social media, and grappling with issues of gender identity. Includes specific guidance for grandparents. Originally presented on February 15, 2022.

Raising Resilient Kids in a Stressed-Out World: How Grandparents Can Play a Role

Harvard professor Dr. Chris Willard explores how grandparents can cultivate qualities of resilience in grandchildren, among them kindness and generosity, honesty, patience, and steadiness. Dr. Willard uses tools from positive psychology, neuroscience mindfulness, and spirituality, and explores techniques that have boosted human resilience in the face of adversity for generations. Originally presented on January 11, 2022.

Seekers of Meaning Podcast: Lee M. Hendler and David Raphael, Co-Founders of JGN

Rabbi Richard Address, Founder and Director of, interviews Lee M. Hendler, Co-Founder and President, and David Raphael, Co-Founder and CEO, about the creation of the Jewish Grandparents Network and the role of grandparents in a vital Jewish future. Originally presented on January 7, 2022.

Inclusive Grandparenting — How We Fully Celebrate ALL Our Grandchildren

Disabilities inclusion specialist Lisa Friedman leads an intimate conversation to explore how we can enrich our relationships with our grandchildren through wide exposure to people with disabilities, the use of inclusive language, and active listening. Lisa is joined by friend and colleague Marci Taylor, who shares her own story of parenting a child who has learning disabilities and health challenges. Originally presented on December 7, 2021.

Grandma, Grandpa Tell Me a Story: The Role of Grandparents in Jewish Family Life

Dr. Marshall Duke and Dr. Ron Wolfson, two master storytellers, discuss how stories frame our lives, strengthen our families, and sustain Jewish traditions; what research shows about the importance of family narratives in the development of our children; and the essential roles of grandparents in sharing family and Jewish narratives. Originally presented on November 16, 2021.

On the Other Side of the Door is the Inspired Life

David Raphael, Jewish Grandparents Network CEO, interviews Dr. Lisa Miller, author of The Spiritual Child and The Awakened Brain. They discuss spirituality and emotional well-being, finding larger purpose and meaning in everyday life, and passing the moral torch from the older generation to the younger. Originally presented on November 2, 2021.

The Making of a Mensch

Two wise and accomplished women — author Jane Isay and author/filmmaker/artist Tiffany Shlain — discuss how grandparents contribute to and mold the character development of their grandchildren. Originally presented on September 13, 2021.

Justice, Community, and Dignity
Talking with Our Grandchildren About Politics

Erica Brown and Ruth Messinger speak about the core values from our Jewish tradition inform and inspire our roles and responsibilities as citizens and how can we best share these values with our grandchildren and family members. Originally presented on October 29, 2020.

Soulful Grandparenting During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Jewish Grandparents Network CEO David Raphael joins Dasee Berkowitz, author of “Becoming a Soulful Parent: A Path to the Wisdom Within” for a discussion of how to strengthen intergenerational connections during the Covid-19 pandemic. Originally presented on October 19, 2020.

Promoting Emotional Wellbeing in Times of Crisis

Dr. Ruth Nemzoff joined David Raphael, Co-Founder, and CEO of the Jewish Grandparents Network to discuss strategies for grandparents to nurture their emotional wellbeing and emotional well-being of their grandchildren. Originally presented on September 10, 2020.

Emotional Challenges of the Covid19 Pandemic

Dr. Betsy Stone joined Lee M. Hendler, to discuss the emotional challenges of the Covid19 Pandemic.  Originally presented on September 8, 2020.

“The Whole World Is A Narrow Bridge”: Grandparenting During Times of Crisis

Marshall Duke, Renee Cherow-O’leary, and Esther Netter discuss grandparenting during times of crisis – focusing on the Covid19 Pandemic.  Originally presented on May 27, 2020.

Carrying It Forward: Sharing Values with Our Grandchildren

Jane Isay, Jane Shapiro, & Hedda Sharapan provide guidance sharing values with our grandchildren through their words, actions, & deeds.  Originally presented on May 20, 2020.

Today’s Jewish Families: Different, Joyful, and… Sometimes Challenging

Alyx Bernstein, Roger Talbott, and Becky Sowemimo present three different and unique perspectives on today’s changing Jewish families. Originally presented on May 13, 2020.

“Grandma, Grandpa, Tell Me a Story”  PART 1

Marshall Duke and Ron Wolfson discuss how stories frame our lives and families and the essential role of grandparents in sharing stories. Originally presented on October 28, 2018.

“Grandma, Grandpa, Tell Me a Story”  PART 2

Marshall Duke and Ron Wolfson discuss how stories frame our lives and families and the essential role of grandparents in sharing stories. Originally presented on October 28, 2018.

“Grandma, Grandpa, Tell Me a Story”  PART 3

Marshall Duke and Ron Wolfson discuss how stories frame our lives and families and the essential role of grandparents in sharing stories. Originally presented on October 28, 2018.

The Torah of Bubbiehood

Whether or not you are a bubbie, have a bubbie or met a bubbie, Jane Shapiro’s reflections will bring joy to your heart.  We invite you to watch this wonderful Eli Talk.