Gardening & the Earth

Build houses and dwell in them, and plant gardens and eat their fruit.
Jeremiah 29:5

Our ancestors were inextricably linked to the earth. Their well-being depended on the success of their crops. Many of our Jewish holidays are tied to the agricultural cycle — Sukkot reminds us of the temporary dwelling farmers would live in during harvesting; Shavuot is the holiday of the first fruits.

In this time of climate change, a connection with the earth is essential.  We must learn to be good stewards of the land, water, and air that sustains all of creation. Together, let us be shomrei adamah, guardians of the earth.

Explore more about Jewish views on nature and the environment.

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  • Nature, Outdoors, and Gardening
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Take a Hike! 5 Easy Ways to Engage Your Grandchild Outdoors

A hike, of whatever distance, allows you to discover what is around you by using all your senses.

Home Composting 101

Learn how to do your own composting — whether you live in the city or suburbs.

3 Cool Ways to Explore Nature Together

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Recycle Roundup Game

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Plant-able Paper Making & Seed Balls

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Celebrating Our Natural Wonders

The Torah teaches, “Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky,