Welcome to the Jewish
Grandparents Network

Discover joyful experiences for grandparents,
grandchildren, and family members

Our Work

The Jewish Grandparents Network is a national organization that educates, connects, and supports grandparents as essential partners in enriching Jewish life.

We envision a Jewish world that embraces grandparents as vital to our families, our communities, and our future.

The Family Room

Explore the Family Room, a one-of-a-kind virtual space where grandparents, grandchildren, and family members meet, learn, and play together.

Upcoming Events

We seek to infuse our events and experiences with joy and meaning—and fun and silliness—to surprise and delight grandparents and grandchildren of all ages.

Featured Featured -

The Art of Becoming: Finding Creativity, Meaning, and Identity as Grandparents

JGN and Lab/Shul are proud to co-host this Zoom gathering for grandparents in which we will explore which elements of our Jewish identities matter most to us and how we might model these Jewish jewels for our grandchildren.  Through guided reflection, conversation, and Lab/Shul’s signature everybody-friendly,...

Family Favorites

View some of our top picks from our website.

Rituals for Becoming a Grandparent

Becoming a grandparent is a milestone — one we can mark with creative rituals. The ritual may be part of a family celebration or stand on its own. In a communal setting, congregations could create a ritual to honor new grandparents or even hold an


Family Stories from Your Closet

Discover the rich and meaningful ways objects in your closet can help you share family stories, family history, and even world events with your grandchildren and family members.


B-Mitzvah Project

Grandparents, here’s how you can play a meaningful role in your grandchild’s B-Mitzvah experience.