Cooking & Food

There can be no joy without food and drink.
Talmud, Mo’ed Katan 


Steaming matzah ball soup; sweet noodle kugel; a bagel with a schmear; flaky, savory bourekas. Foods link us to our family history, to our Jewish traditions, and, perhaps greatest of all, to each other. Our family recipes tell stories and create memories. We invite you to share your recipes and stories as you cook and bake with your grandchildren and family members.

Explore more about the benefits of cooking and baking with children.

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  • Rosh Hashanah

Far Apart but Cooking Together

9 tips for cooking together as a family even when you live far apart.

Every Recipe Tells a Story—7 Steps to Cooking with Your Grandchild

Baking and cooking with your grandchild can teach much more than kitchen skills—it’s a way to tell stories, create memories, and build special bonds.

Funny Food Art

Join in the fun as you create silly and funny food art with your grandchildren. You can eat the result!

Preserve your Treasured Family Recipes

From Michael Solomonov’s brisket to a great-grandmother’s stuffed cabbage, the Jewish Food Society has over 900 family recipes and stories from all around the world on their global family recipe archive.

Our Favorite Rosh Hashanah Recipes

With rich flavors from pomegranate to saffron, these Tori Avey recipes with videos offer tasty turns on traditional favorites. A memorable tzimmes has never been easier, a Persian Jewish side dish is a fragrant and savory complement,

Fruit Fusion

People from every continent come to Israel to find freedom and better lives—and because it’s the Jewish homeland. Each group brings with it different customs from the old country that form a fusion of ideas and cultures in the shared land.

Create Your Own Family Cookbook

A bit about our own family background: Bubbie Ida Paperny, Ron’s maternal grandmother, lived in the kitchen. She also loved in the kitchen. She loved when her four daughters helped her cook up a huge family Shabbat or holiday meal.

Tastiest Summer Recipes

What does summer taste like? For lifestyle blogger and food historian Tori Avey, it’s that juicy bite into a perfectly grilled burger accompanied by a fragrant lemon pasta salad.

Cooking with Your Grandchildren

Cut strawberries with your grandchild and they are likely to alternate between placing one in the bowl and one in their mouth.