Ten-Minute Dayenu Seder


Passover begins on the evening of April 22, 2024.

Once again, this night will truly be different from all other nights.
Our updated Dayenu Seder Haggadah is designed for multi-generational family seders  — in person, virtually, or both.

The Dayenu Seder will take ten minutes without additional discussion. If your gathering explores the questions we suggest, plan for up to 30 minutes.

We hope this Haggadah will help you and your family start your Passover celebration with an experience that all will remember.

Click HERE for the Dayenu Seder

Below are 4 ways to use the Dayenu Seder:

  • Use it on the first night as written and enjoy!
  • If your family has a beloved Haggadah, think about the Dayenu Seder as a supplement. Incorporate the illustrations, margin questions, and comments that will engage your family.
  • Use the Dayenu Seder if you hold a seder on the second night — or any other night during Passover — when grandchildren (and other family members) may want something different. It’s also a good choice for guests who have never been to a seder.
  • Some families may find it hard to gather in person on a weeknight. Host a seder on Zoom so that everyone can participate. (The Dayenu Seder was originally designed for this purpose.) Share your screen or, before the seder, invite all participants to download the Haggadah.

See, too, Hosting an Inclusive Seder: A Guide for Grandparents for ways to enrich your Dayenu Seder and encourage greater interaction in multi-generational and multi-faith gatherings.

Chag Pesach Sameach — A Happy and Healthy Passover!