Becoming a grandparent is a milestone — one we can mark with creative rituals. The ritual may be part of a family celebration or stand on its own. In a communal setting, congregations could create a ritual to honor new grandparents or even hold an annual celebration that honors everybody who has become a grandparent during the year.
Yet few rituals exist today to celebrate the experience of becoming a grandparent.
In 2023, the Jewish Grandparents Network, generously supported by the Covenant Foundation, convened an esteemed group of more than sixty grandparents, rabbis, educators, and organizational professionals for four mini-symposia about becoming a grandparent. Among the facilitators was Hila Ratzabi, poet and ritualist. With Ratzabi’s guidance, participants explored the role and meaning of ritual in our lives and how grandparents might mark this liminal moment.
The report below documents key findings and recommendations from the JGN symposium on grandparent rituals.
Banner photograph by Terry Kaye
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