Don’t Bite Your Tongue


Relationships with our adult children — the parents of our grandchildren — are often close, trusting, and warm. Yet these relationships can, at times, be difficult to manage. Sometimes a wrong word or a misread facial expression can lead to harsh words and anger. And silence is not always golden — it can be misinterpreted.

In this clear-eyed and engaging interview, author and scholar Dr. Ruth Nemzoff helps us understand why relationships with our grandchildren’s parents can, at times, seem like a minefield to be navigated. Dr. Nemzoff provides wise and thoughtful insights on how we can build, and nurture sustained and strong family relationships while managing the risks.

Guidance includes:

  • How to talk so our adult children hear us
  • Figuring out our relevance now that our children have families of their own
  • How to feel confident raising issues we consider important
  • How to conduct ourselves when we visit or stay with the family

Click below to hear the podcast.