The Wonderful World of Shadow Puppetry

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Shadow puppetry is perfect for grandparents and grandchildren to create and act out together in person or on screen.

Shadow puppetry is an ancient form of storytelling, in which the shadows of two-dimensional rod-puppets are cast upon an illuminated screen to magical effect. With origins in Southeast Asia dating to the 11th century, the art form has been used to explore stories, music, poetry, and movement from many cultures, including the Jewish tradition. 

Shadow puppetry can engage children with holiday stories (Esther, Mordecai, and Haman), biblical tales (Abraham, Sarah, and their tent), and other themes such as Shabbat (challah, wine goblet, and candles) or Tzedakah and other Jewish values (tzedakah box, coins, food, clothing). All will come to life on the shadow screen!

Watch this video presenting a short shadow puppetry show.



Watch this video to learn how to create shadow puppets and shadow screens in your own home.



Daniel Barash is Owner and Creative Director of Firelight Shadow Theater. To learn more about Firelight Shadow Theater and its Jewish programming, please visit