May 19 2021 Reading Nooks
Any activity that strengthens the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren instills the Jewish value of chaveirut. Through our interactions, we teach our grandchildren how to interact with others, be kind (chesed), share, take turns, and have fun together. Reading together is a wonderful way to build those bonds. We cuddle with our grandchildren, our arms around their bodies, their heads resting on our chest, warm, safe.
Creating a reading nook in your home for your grandchild will encourage them to read.
- Ask your grandchild where they’d like a nook, or just surprise them with a chair or pillow and a lamp in the corner of a room, perhaps with a plant and blanket.
- Display a few books so your grandchild can easily pick out a favorite. You can add an e-book reader for reading along or a mobile device for soft music.
- You might want to include a box with paper and crayons so your grandchild can draw the story and hang it in the reading area. You and your grandchild can even create your own books.
There are other ways to create reading nooks.
- Try throwing a blanket or sheet over two chairs to create a reading cave.
- Take the cushions off the sofa and build a fort in which to read.
- You can even crawl under the kitchen or dining room table and read there.
- Reading a book at night with a flashlight adds to the fun.
Outside, a shady spot under a tree is a fun place to read. Be sure to bring some pillows, snacks, and water bottles.
If you are in different locations, ask your grandchild on Zoom or FaceTime—or whatever video platform you use—where they would like to read. If your grandchild likes to read in bed, climb into your bed. Then read a book to your grandchild, or let them read a book to you.
All you need is a little imagination and a few household props. Think about this: ”Originality, creativity, and novelty are spiritual endeavors” (Sefat Emet).