Mad Libs

Jewish Family Journey Mad Libs


From the wise men of Chelm to the marvelous Mrs. Maisel, the Jewish people have always been able to reflect on the Jewish experience with laughter. We are pleased to present these Jewish Family Journey Mad Libs as a way for grandparents and family members to start sharing family stories. Choose one of the following Mad Libs or write your own following the directions below. It’s easy!


Write your own!

  1. Write a (very) short story.
  2. Choose a key word (or two or three) from each sentence, erase the words you’ve chosen, and replace them with blank lines.
  3. Name the appropriate part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc.) for each missing word.
  4. Fill in the blanks with suggestions from your grandchildren.
  5. Enjoy reading the story together!

More Jewish Family Journey Mad Libs to come!