Adding Learning to Play

Play and Humor

Sarah Lytle, Executive Director of Playful Learning Landscapes Action Network, shows grandparents how to guide grandchildren’s play toward a learning goal even while children remain in control of the activity and explore the world according to their own interests.  

Sarah explores with us the five elements of activities that successfully result in learning. Such activities are:

  1. Meaningful
  2. Joyful
  3. Socially interactive
  4. Actively engaging
  5. Iterative

Click HERE to read the benefits of playful learning.

Explore how you can add learning to creative free play and exercise your grandchild’s imagination. Best of all, you don’t need to be a teacher or an expert.

Watch Sarah Lytle’s video about adding learning to play. 



Sarah Lytle is the Executive Director of Playful Learning Landscapes Action Network (PLLAN). She has a Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology and more than a decade of experience connecting research to practice. The best compliment Sarah ever received was “you must have played well as a child.”

Photograph by Stephanie Fink