For Organizations

Grandparents are your community’s superpower —
essential organizational and family influencers.

Want to connect with grandparents?
The Jewish Grandparents Network can help!

The Jewish Grandparents Network envisions a Jewish world that embraces grandparents as vital to our families, our communities, and our future. 

Jewish professionals like you all around the country care deeply about creating caring, connected, and thriving institutions. Together we can build a more vibrant and inclusive Jewish community where grandparents play an essential role in sharing Jewish values with their children and grandchildren. 

Consider us your partner! Wherever you are in your journey, we’re here for you… 

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Organizations Zemke Illustration

Why Reach Out to JGN?

“I want to engage grandparents, but I’m not sure where to start.” 

Tap into JGN’s Wisdom: The JGN team offers advice and consultation; give us a call! We’re here to help with all your Jewish grandparenting-related ideas and questions.  

“The intergenerational programming we’ve tried needs an upgrade. We’re ready for a new approach.” 

Become a Community Partner: We’ll work closely with you to understand your local community, design meaningful experiences for multigenerational families, educate your leadership to be more inclusive of grandparents, and measure — and build on — your success.  

“We want to engage grandparents, but we just don’t have the capacity to develop programming.” 

Draw from our Program and Content Development: Whether it’s B-Mitzvah rituals, a Jewish grandparenting club, or a skip-gen social justice trip, our extensive network, deep experience, and love for creative approaches will help bring out the best in your community.

“I’m looking for inspiration and thought partners. How can I learn from other communities and professionals?” 

Join the Network: Don’t be a stranger! Join the mailing list and Facebook Group, attend our monthly webinars, and peruse the extensive program ideas in JGN’s online Family Room.  

Have other questions or ideas? We’d love to hear from you.  

Words from a Partner

“The experience, data, and guidance the Jewish Grandparents Network provides us are invaluable to our quickly launching and carefully steering this grandparent initiative to success. Partnering with JGN gives us the tools and the know-how to serve our grandparents in robust and joyful ways.”  

Ronni Ticker, Director of Family Engagement
Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County 

Ronni Ticker

Get in Touch Today!

Meet Avery Markel, Director of Community Engagement

Avery Markel,
Director of Community Engagement,

Other Ways to Contact JGN: 

Subscribe to our Mailing List
Join our Facebook Group
Check out the JGN Calendar and Upcoming Events
Explore the Family Room

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Multigenerational Photograph Zemke Illustration

How JGN Serves You

Grandparents R’ Us: JGN is the only organization in the Jewish community that focuses solely on grandparents as essential members of today’s changing intergenerational families. 

We Know Grandparents: Through quantitative and qualitative research and learned experience, JGN has developed a unique understanding of the needs, interests, and aspirations of today’s grandparents.  

We Have Exceptional Content: Over the past six years, JGN has developed a broad array of quality content and resources targeted for grandparents, their families, and the organizations that seek to engage them. 

We Listen: JGN’s model of engagement with communities and organizations is iterative — collaboratively we work with communities and organizations to develop strategies and initiatives targeted to their constituents. 

We Collaborate: JGN works with a broad array of creative partners — experts in their fields — to broaden and enhance the content and resources we can bring to communities and organizations. And we share generously.