Emotional Challenges and Emotional Wellbeing During the Covid19 Pandemic


On September 8 and 10, 2020, the Jewish Grandparents Network and the Blue Dove Foundation hosted a two-part series focusing on the emotional challenges grandparents, parents, and children are facing during the Covid19 pandemic and approaches to promoting emotional well-being and resilience. We are pleased to share the video recordings from these webinars.

Part One: Emotional Challenges of the Covid19 Pandemic

Dr. Betsy Stone, psychologist, and faculty at Hebrew Union College/Jewish Institute of Religion in New York  joined Lee M. Hendler, Co-Founder and President of the Jewish Grandparents Network, to discuss the emotional challenges grandparents and their grandchildren face, approaches to helping our grandkids and ourselves, and the importance of the grandparent/parent relationship and partnership.

Click HERE to access the online video. 

Part Two: Promoting Emotional Wellbeing in Times of Crisis

Dr. Ruth Nemzoff, author of “Don’t Bite Your Tongue: How to Foster Rewarding Relationships with Your Adult Children” and “Don’t Roll Your Eyes: Making In-Laws into Family“, joined David Raphael, Co-Founder, and CEO of the Jewish Grandparents Network to discuss strategies for grandparents to nurture their emotional wellbeing and emotional well-being of their grandchildren.

Click HERE to access the online video.  

Here are some resources on Dr. Martin Seligman and the PERMA Model of Emotional Well-Being referenced in the above webinar:
