A member of the Jewish Grandparents Network Facebook Group asked this question in the group and got the MOST helpful responses. My 7-year-old grandson wants to share a Hanukkah book with his public-school class. The group is very diverse (think Palestinian, Hindi, Muslim, Christian) and he...

For disabled children, books featuring other disabled people — mirrors — where kids see and read about people similar to them helps them identify with the characters and can play a role in boosting self-image. These books convey the positive message that there are many...

Have you ever built a sandcastle that got washed away by a wave? How did you feel when you saw it fall? What secrets can we learn from a sandcastle?...

Any activity that strengthens the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren instills the Jewish value of chaveirut. Through our interactions, we teach our grandchildren how to interact with others...