22 Sep Tips for Helping Grandchildren with Homework
Ways to make homework — when you’re on duty — smooth, productive, and conflict-free....
Ways to make homework — when you’re on duty — smooth, productive, and conflict-free....
Great ideas for dramatic audio stories to entertain your grandchild when you are apart....
Writing stories together is the perfect grandparent-grandchild activity — not to mention a terrific workout for a young imagination....
Here are seven ways to activate story time with your young grandchild....
A member of the Jewish Grandparents Network Facebook Group asked this question in the group and got the MOST helpful responses. My 7-year-old grandson wants to share a Hanukkah book with his public-school class. The group is very diverse (think Palestinian, Hindi, Muslim, Christian) and he...
Discover great books to buy at the Jewish Grandparents Network Bookshop....
For disabled children, books featuring other disabled people — mirrors — where kids see and read about people similar to them helps them identify with the characters and can play a role in boosting self-image. These books convey the positive message that there are many...
Have you ever built a sandcastle that got washed away by a wave? How did you feel when you saw it fall? What secrets can we learn from a sandcastle?...
Any activity that strengthens the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren instills the Jewish value of chaveirut. Through our interactions, we teach our grandchildren how to interact with others...
There is great joy in reading to our grandchildren, nieces and nephews, and other young family members. But what books should we choose?...