Becoming a Grandparent

“Unconditional love is the magic bridge that spans the generations: we love them unconditionally, and they love us back without reservations. It’s a two-way experience. It grows the children and gentles the grandparents.” 
—Jane Isay


Mazal tov, you are becoming — or have recently become —a grandparent!  

The moment a person learns that their children are expecting a child, a new emotional landscape is formed; welcoming that child is only the beginning.  

From choosing your grandparent name (or your grandchild choosing it for you!), to navigating the new terrain of your relationship with an adult child, grandparenting is a joyful, complex, and meaningful journey. As Dr. Marshall Duke says, “There is no such thing as a state of being a grandparent; rather there is a process, an experience of grandparenting that is not static. When we become a grandparent, we set the process in motion.” 

As we celebrate our grandchildren, may we also honor our own process of becoming. 

We hope the resources below, made possible by the generous support of the Covenant Foundation, will guide and inspire you in this wondrous journey.  

Honor the birth of a new grandchild by making a donation in their name to the Jewish Grandparents Network.

Visit the Jewish Grandparents Network Family Room

Come visit the nine destinations in the Family Room, a unique virtual space on the Jewish Grandparents Network website with experiences and resources that can enrich everyday interactions and experiences with grandchildren

Send an e-Card to a New Grandparent

Do you know someone who recently became a grandparent or just had a new grandchild? Send them an e-card to wish them Mazal Tov!  Click the button below to make a donation in honor of a new grandchild! Donate

Rituals for Becoming a Grandparent

Becoming a grandparent is a milestone — one we can mark with creative rituals. The ritual may be part of a family celebration or stand on its own. In a communal setting, congregations could create a ritual to honor new grandparents or even hold an…

“Hello! My (Grandparent) Name Is…” Program Guide

This class is designed to help adult participants navigate the transition into a new stage of life — grandparenting — as they address a practical question: What do I want my grandparent name to be?   The experience is ideal for expectant grandparents who are in…

Water Ceremonies for Becoming a Grandparent

Whether you became a grandparent yesterday or years ago, it is likely that much has changed — including your own role in the family, your relationship with the parents of your grandchild, and your view of your place in the world and your legacy. These rituals, developed...

Conscious Grandparenting: A 3-Session Course for Grandparents

In this three-session course, grandparents explore what it means to be a leader in their own families and ways to enrich and strengthen their relationships with their children and grandchildren.

Boomer Lullabies

As a child, on nights when I slept at my grandparents’ small home on Thornhill Avenue in Little Neck, New York, Nana Francis would soak me in what felt like near–boiling water and scrub me with a loofa pad until my skin shone a bright…

The Torah of Bubbiehood

This bubbie has universal wisdom that could change your approach to everyday life. We invite you to watch this wonderful Eli Talk by Jane Shapiro. Discover a personal account of Jane’s three Jewish values of Bubbiehood and their impact on family life: Tzimtzum (contraction): The overpowering…